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Signal Mountain Playhouse was established in 1972 to provide activity for the community youth in the summer, and now has children of all ages participating in bringing quality family entertainment to our community. Welcome to our little place in the woods.

The Signal Mountain Playhouse is a not-for-profit volunteer organization. The Playhouse operates with a board of twenty four members, elected for three year terms and rotating eight members each year. This is a working board, with each member directly involved with a specific responsibility in the production of a show.

The first few years, only one outdoor production in the summer was presented. After a while, some adults wanted a chance to present plays outside of the usual youth oriented shows, so an indoor winter production was added.


Our stage being constructed for the production of "Peter Pan" 1998

Past Productions

2024 The Music Man and The Hallelujah Girls
2023 Seussical and Boeing Boeing
2022 Matilda and The Games Afoot
2021 Bye Bye Birdie
2020 Harvey
2019 Annie and FIREflies
2018 Shrek, the Musical and Dearly Departed
2017 Willy Wonka and Greater Tuna
2016 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The Games Afoot
2015 Peter Pan and Dracula...the Musical?
2014 The King and I and The Curious Savage
2013 The Wizard of Oz and The Red Velvet Cake War.
2012 The Music Man and The Butler Did It...Again
2011 Beauty and the Beast and Leading Ladies
2010 Brigadoon and Nunsense II
2009 Guys and Dolls and Sweet and Hot! The Songs of Harold Arlen
2008 Oklahoma! and Don't Dress for Dinner
2007 Oliver and The Odd Couple
2006 Annie Get Your Gun and Opal's Baby
2005 South Pacific and Lend Me A Tenor
2004 Annie and Something's Afoot
2003 The King and I and My Three Angels
2002 State Fair and Harvey
2001 The Wizard of Oz and Daddy''s Dyin, Who's Got the Will?
2000 Camelot and Dearly Departed
1999 Music Man and Nunsense
1998 Peter Pan and Cole
1997 Oliver and A Bad Year for Tomatoes
1996 Li'l Abner and The Story of Snow White (Youth Production)
1995 Annie Warbucks and Cinderella (Youth Production)
1994 Carousel and Steel Magnolias
1993 The Wizard of Oz and Harvey
1992 Guys & Dolls and They Don't Write Songs Like This Anymore
1991 The King and I and The Robin Hood Caper
1990 The Music Man and The Sweetest Sounds
1989 Annie and The Prisoner of Second Avenue
1988 Fiddler on the Roof and Out of Sight, Out of Murder
1987 Little Mary Sunshine and Mary, Mary
1986 Oliver and Alone Together
1985 Brigadoon and My Three Angels
1984 Annie Get Your Gun and Plaza Suite
1983 The Sound of Music and The Odd Couple
1982 The Emperor's New Clothes and The Boyfriend
1981 South Pacific and Snow White (Youth Production)
1980 Oklahoma and Raggedy Ann (Youth Production)
1979 Li'l Abner
1978 Meet Me in St. Louis
1977 Bye Bye Birdie
1976 The Music Man
1975 The Wizard of Oz
1974 Rumpelstiltskin
1973 Reynard the Fox
1972 The Great Cross-Country Race

About Us

2024 - 2025 Board Roster

Shandra Burnett - President
Jeffrey Crabbe - Vice-President
Anne Roza / Dennie Wolfgang - Treasurer
Theresa Kitchell - Secretary
Che� Carico - Corresponding Secretary
Anne Rittenberry - Historian

Brenda Binder - Andee Bock - Mary Christa Bull - Stephen Davis – Abby Duff – Justin Forsythe
 Nathaniel Gee - Rob Inman - Rex Knowles - Sylvie Lawrence - Laura Lundy – Betsy McClain
 Brianne O’Dell - Andrew Parker – Derrick Raley – Christa Rusaw – Dani Sibold – Claire Spangenberg - April Turk

Youth Representatives

Afton Forsythe - Hyrum Gee - Mallory Shelton – Max Turk

Foundation Members

Lee Abelson - Che’ Carico - Sue Christensen - Jeffrey Crabbe - Charles Dunlap – Tim Forsythe - Dick Gee - Scott Jones - Jeanette Landis - Janet McInturff - Amy Meller - Anne Rittenberry - Anne Roza
Larry Scoggins - Glenn Showalter - Dennie Wolfgang - Joy Worley

Meetings held the third Tuesday of each month.

The Purpose of the Signal Mountain Playhouse is to produce plays and similar activities so youth and adults may participate as members of the cast or in supporting activities, to educate and train young people through association with adults who are also participating, and to provide quality entertainment to people of all ages.

These plays and promotions of other types of entertainment will be presented using casts and crews who are residents of the Mountain to the extent feasible. All income shall be used only for the purpose of enhancing production quality, furthering the growth of the organization, and for purposes deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

Support Us

We hope you enjoy our efforts and we would appreciate it if you would consider becoming part of ACT I.
The six levels of support are:
Overture¯ $1000.00 or more
¯Entra Act $500.00 - $999.00
Break a Leg¯ $250.00 - $499.00
Center Stage $100.00 - $249.00
Comedy & Tragedy¯ $50.00 - $99.00
Footlights¯ $25.00 - $49.00
Please make your check payable to Signal Mountain Playhouse.
Indicate that it is a contribution to ACT I and send to:
Signal Mountain Playhouse
ATTN: Treasurer.
PO Box 514
Signal Mountain, TN 37377
Signal Mountain Playhouse